The definitive nutrition, weight loss and anti-aging program


What's included:
The "Spartan Nutrition" system
Gift #1 - Defeat stress to live healthier, happier and longer
Gift #2 - Strong, active, healthy hormones in both youth and old age
Gift #3 - Why we age prematurely and what to do to avoid it


It all has to do with what the latest studies identify as the real cause of being overweight.

In fact, although many people are still anchored to the outdated idea that gaining and losing weight depends only on the calories ingested and one’s willpower…

Modern scientific research says the opposite.

And more and more scientists agree that the real puppet master is a hormone…

It’s not the thyroid…

And it’s not insulin…

(Although it can affect both).

But it’s leptin.

The term leptin derives from the Greek “leptos” which means “thin”…

And this sums up his role:

Leptin's job is to keep us lean and slim in order to give us the best chance of survival in a natural environment

Unfortunately, today something is not working and modern men and women suffer more and more often from “leptin resistance”…

That is, a condition in which the brain becomes “insensitive” to leptin.

When this happens…

The body goes into energy saving:

Your metabolism slows down, your hunger is always high, you feel lazy and lethargic.

In reverse…

When leptin sensitivity is excellent…

The physique works as designed by Mother Nature:

You burn more calories at rest, you feel full sooner, you feel strong and energetic, and weight loss becomes physiological.

Dr. Balducci found that tribes following an "ancestral" diet have the best leptin sensitivity ever reported

Which explains the excellent shape and health of some populations despite being far from any medical progress, eating to complete satiety and sometimes with little physical activity.

Inspired by this discovery, he takes advantage of his decades of preparation in anti-aging medicine and nutrition and begins a tireless work of research, experimentation and study…

And it gives rise to a diet that is the perfect symbiosis of ancient wisdom and modern medicine:

The 3A Diet.

Or Ancestral Anti-aging Diet.

The 3A Diet today is the secret behind the dazzling shape, inexhaustible energy and steely health that he enjoys at the age of 64…

It is also the engine that allows him to perform titanic physical feats,

Like the river descents around the world that he continues to do – and which have allowed him to enter the Guinness Book of Records for the greatest number of rivers tamed.


The 3A Diet has become a lifeline for hundreds of people who previously felt like prisoners trapped in their bodies, judged by their outward appearance, and unsure of what people thought of them…

And who today show off an enviable figure of which they are proud, satisfied and confident.

The reason for these results is the marked improvement in leptin sensitivity…

Which unlocks the metabolism, cuts the chances of the “yo-yo effect”, stimulates a healthy sense of satiety – making weight loss and improving health physiological.

For the first time these discoveries are told within a digital program: Spartan Nutrition.

Spartan Nutrition

Spartan Nutrition is the first and only longevity, nutrition and anti-aging program based on the 3A Diet...

Which today is allowing hundreds of people to achieve, for the first time after much effort, the healthy and attractive appearance they want.

These people don't obsess over calorie counting...

They don't need to follow long and boring workouts...

And they don't give up on taste.

All they do is follow the “3A Diet” protocol illustrated within Spartan Nutrition:

They enjoy the delicious suggested meals...

They do not suffer unbearable hunger pangs, because a better sensitivity to leptin leads to satiation earlier...

And, for the first time…

They enjoy the journey that leads them to achieve the body of their dreams.

Value £197

Weekly Meal Plan 3A

Here's what's special about these Meal Plans and why they help men from all over the World get back into shape with surprising ease:

  • They are already ready for you. This way, you know exactly how much and what to eat at any time of the day. No confusion. You will feel in total control and confident because you will know how to nourish your body to achieve your goals.
  • They are delicious and simple to prepare. I'm not one for a gray and sad diet because they have taste and variety. At the same time, they can make you feel: younger, stronger, slimmer and energetic;
  • You can prepare most meals in less than 15 minutes. This means that you can be consistent even on the most hectic days because, in addition to being nutritious, tasty and light... they are ready in a flash.
  • They are the only ones based on Dr. Balducci's 3A Diet. Balducci. These plans are designed to make you feel full, light, young and energetic... and NOT hungry, weak and without energy as often happens with other diets. For this reason, for many, reaching their ideal weight becomes "only" a pleasant side effect!

In other words, they eliminate uncertainty and make everything as simple as possible.

You will feel held by the hand, safe and in control as if Dr. Balducci himself was guiding you every step of the way towards the “you” you aspire to be.



Bonus #1:
Defeat Stress to Live Healthier, Happier and Longer

Wrinkled skin…

Rounded and red face...

Weak and flabby arms…

Weak immune system…

These are all signs of too much stress,

An all too common problem in today's chaotic society.

Whether it is due to young or rebellious children, complicated relationships, difficulties at work, family problems or anything else,

In this extra program Dr. Balducci will guide you to regain your serenity and balance.

In particular, it will present you with an ancient and little-known oriental technique to use whenever you feel overwhelmed by the frenzy of life.

Follow it for a few minutes and it will help you regain vital energy, self-esteem and concentration to face everyday challenges with a smile.

Value £97
Bonus #2:
Strong, Active and Healthy Hormones Both in Youth and in Old Age

From the age of 40, hormone levels collapse - and with them libido, physical strength, energy and the ease of gaining weight increases...

But it doesn't have to be this way.

Dr. Balducci has dedicated years of study and research to understanding how to keep your hormones strong, healthy and healthy...

And, in this new bonus chapter, he will reveal all the strategies he has discovered to do so - and which work wonderfully regardless of age.

In particular, it will reveal to you:

  • How to choose the water bottle to drink from – and why it MAKES the difference...
  • Why you should never crumple and play with your receipts (there's a surprising and very important reason behind it)…
  • What can the color of the fat in the meat you eat say about its quality (clue: white is NOT better)…
  • Which "healthy" food to NEVER eat during pregnancy or while breastfeeding...
  • A supplement costing just a few cents, useful for muscle tone, losing weight and boosting libido...
  • And much, much more.

The purpose of this extra chapter is to help you savor life in all its nuances as or even better than the freshest and happiest years of your life...

A goal that becomes achievable when your hormones work at full capacity.

Value £147
Bonus #3:

If there is one thing on which Doctor Balducci is an undisputed luminary...

It's anti-aging.

That is, how to stay young, lively and healthy at any age.

After all, at the age of 64 he's still canoeing down rivers as if he were 25...

Where does he find all this strength and energy!?

The third bonus chapter you receive today was created to answer this question…

And help fight premature aging…

That is, what makes you wrinkled, tired, weak, lazy, fragile, slow and foggy.

This program goes beyond nutrition and physical activity...

And it reveals what the 7 main psychological causes of this process are...

And how to counteract them thanks to some personal strategies that Dr. Balducci believes are the basis of his appearance, vitality and self-esteem.

This bonus chapter helps you neutralize any fears of growing old, weakening or softening...

Because it reveals the proven techniques of one of the most knowledgeable anti-aging doctors in Italy and perhaps in the world.

Value £97
Satisfaction Guaranteed

Put Spartan Nutrition to the test. If for any reason, in the next 90 days, you feel it doesn't meet or exceed your expectations... if this program doesn't transform how you feel and how you see yourself in the mirror... then email us at support@spartanhealth .com and we will give you a 100% refund. Your satisfaction is guaranteed and you have no risk.


* All digital product will be immediatly available after the purchase



Original price was: £735.00.Current price is: £97.00.

questions before you buy?

Spartan Nutrition is the first program in the world based on the 3A Diet

Or the Ancestral Anti-aging Diet.

The 3A Diet was inspired by the diet followed by the fittest and healthiest tribal tribes in the world…

These tribes, the doctor found, have the best leptin sensitivity ever reported.

An excellent sensitivity to leptin allows you to unblock the metabolism, cut the chances of the “yo-yo effect”, stimulate a healthy sense of satiety and make weight loss and improvement in health and energy, physiological…

And this is exactlythe goal of the program.

And he probably succeeds very well since it is today the main reason behind the dazzling shape, the inexhaustible energy and the steely health that the doctor enjoys today at the age of 64…

It is also the engine that allows him to perform titanic physical feats…

Like the river descents around the world that he continues to make – and which have allowed him to enter the Guinness Book of Records for the greatest number of rivers descended.


The 3A Diet is his wife’s “beauty secret”…

Who you would never think was over 45 years old.


The 3A Diet has turned into the lifeline he dreamed of creating for hundreds and hundreds of his out-of-shape and “hopeless” patients, who today show off an enviable figure and a much younger appearance than their age.

Although the results vary depending on the starting situation and level of commitment…

The common experience among customers is as follows:

During the first week you go through a “detoxification” process…

So you are likely to feel tired, in a bad mood and your weight remains stable.

It’s all part of the process and this is where you have to hold on.

From the second or third week, energy levels return to normal, positivity increases and it is likely that you will see yourself more deflated in the mirror.

From about the fourth week onwards the diet usually begins to produce its most wonderful effects…

Often, this means noticing brighter, more elastic skin

Sense of satiety that arrives sooner: you naturally eat less…

An excellent improvement in weight and tonicity

Stronger, healthier hair and nails…

Great energy during the day and quality sleep…

And much more.

Absolutely yes.

I wanted to keep it as a surprise, once you entered your reserved area, but there is a 5th gift included that I hadn’t told you about yet…

And that alone is worth at least as much as the amount you pay for the program today.

This is exclusive access to the members-only Facebook group called “Spartan Physique”.

Inside you will find a veritable army of men and boys like you determined to achieve the body of their dreams, regain health and improve their lives…

You can use it to ask all the questions and doubts you have during your journey…

And also to find motivation and be inspired by everyone’s success stories.

This way you won’t feel alone for even a second and you will always find someone who will help you bring out the best in you, achieve your goals and have fun doing it.

The program was designed to be as simple as possible…

All you have to do is follow the directions clearly and easily illustrated inside.

It’s simple and hundreds of people have done it before.

If you have any doubts, you can also use the included Facebook group which is very active and you normally receive a response within a few hours or even a few minutes from when you ask your question.

The vegetarian diet is not recommended for reasons that the doctor talks about in the program.

That said, if you are a vegetarian by ethical choice, you can avoid meat…

However, for maximum benefits it is recommended to introduce eggs and/or fish.

In short: yes.

The 3A Diet excludes most foods linked to intolerances or allergies, so it will almost seem like it was created especially for you…

And even if you find foods that bother you, simply exclude them.

You will still be able to follow the program successfully.

Immediately after purchase you will have access to a short exclusive video called “The 5 Ancestral Superfoods“…

Then, you will receive by email your access credentials to the reserved online area where you will find Spartan Nutrition and all your gifts…

You can enter with the app from your mobile phone, computer or tablet depending on what you prefer.

Find Spartan Nutrition in eBook format…

And the bonus programs:

“Why we age prematurely and what to do to avoid it”

“Strong, active and healthy hormones both in youth and in old age”...

“Defeat stress to live healthier, happier and longer”

All 3 in maximum definition video format.

Finally, the access link to the reserved Facebook group “Spartan Physique” where you can ask questions, share the results of your journey, find support, motivation and free extra content.

By purchasing today you pay only $129 “for life”, meaning that what you buy does not expire and you can continue to use it forever.

After clicking on the “Add to Cart” button located below…

You will be directed to the secure order page.

Enter your payment information and you will be given instant access to Spartan Nutrition plus your gifts.

In short, you can verify the effectiveness and uniqueness of this program without any risk…

As I was telling you, it has already allowed hundreds of men to achieve the physical shape they dreamed of and we are sure that it can help you too…

But if for any reason I had to think again…

If you don’t consider it the best $129 invested of your life and you won’t be absolutely thrilled with it too…

Then write to us within 90 days from today at and you will get your money back quickly and without questions.

This is how certain we are that Spartan Nutrition is able to revolutionize the line of those who put it into practice.

Click “Add to Cart” below now.

Receive the program with gifts.

Remember that you are protected by a 90 day guarantee so you have nothing to lose.

The only thing between you and your new anti-aging lifestyle and nutrition is the button below.

Click the “add to cart” button now, complete the payment and I’ll see you on the other side!


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The information contained in this website is of an informative and instructive nature and therefore should not be used for self-diagnosis or for third-party diagnosis or for therapeutic purposes. Under no circumstances does the information on this site replace the advice of a doctor. Users are therefore encouraged to contact their doctor to obtain professional opinions on their state of health and on any therapies to be adopted. Users are solely responsible for the use that may be made of the information shared in the group. All the contents of this website, including text, graphics, images and information of various kinds, are purely informative. The information shared on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace the opinion of your doctor or healthcare professional nor can it replace medical prescriptions. The information shared on our portal is aimed at healthy people, any diet or physical exercise must be supervised by the competent figure in accordance with Italian law before being carried out. The authors, owners and moderators of the website are not responsible for the information contained therein as it has an informative purpose and the user must consult with his or her doctor before undertaking any diet or physical activity. The products indicated on this website are not intended as a means to treat, prevent, diagnose and/or mitigate diseases or abnormal conditions.