Why can't I sleep?

You lie down in bed hoping to sleep…
But you find yourself wide awake…
With your head full of thoughts…
Stressed out and with what has now become a certainty:
Even TONIGHT will be another marathon with eyes wide open…
One that will make you feel completely exhausted the next day…
Like a zombie running on coffee.
It feels like your brain is operating at 20%…
You can’t remember anything…
And you constantly feel nervous…
But even if you spend ALL DAY completely out of sorts…
…you still can’t sleep at night!
It's frustrating, isn't it?
Well, if all of this sounds familiar to you…
Then I have good news.
Now, it’s finally possible to get a deep, rejuvenating sleep when you go to bed…
Without interruptions…
And wake up in the morning overflowing with natural energy.
You see, in a series of groundbreaking discoveries…
Scientists from the prestigious Ivy League Columbia University and other renowned universities…[3], [4], [5]
Have proven that achieving deep and restful sleep isn’t just about eliminating caffeine and alcohol, or exercising more.
Instead, researchers have discovered an obscure mineral beneath the Earth’s surface…
That your body absolutely NEEDS in order to sleep.
And it’s so powerful that some people are calling it: