The formula to relax your brain cells, enjoy deep sleep, and help you feel more energetic during the day by improving your cognitive functions.
Natural support for the normal sleep cycle;
7 unique ingredients proven by dozens of scientific studies;
Safe and notified to the Ministry of Health;
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Ingredients of proven effectiveness
180-day "satisfaction or your money back" guarantee
FREE Shipping in the UK when you order 3 packs or more
Notified to the Ministry of Health

Why can't I sleep?

You lie down in bed hoping to sleep…

But you find yourself wide awake…

With your head full of thoughts…

Stressed out and with what has now become a certainty:

Even TONIGHT will be another marathon with eyes wide open…

One that will make you feel completely exhausted the next day…

Like a zombie running on coffee.

It feels like your brain is operating at 20%…

You can’t remember anything…

And you constantly feel nervous…

But even if you spend ALL DAY completely out of sorts…

…you still can’t sleep at night!

It's frustrating, isn't it?

Well, if all of this sounds familiar to you…

Then I have good news.

Now, it’s finally possible to get a deep, rejuvenating sleep when you go to bed…

Without interruptions…

And wake up in the morning overflowing with natural energy.

You see, in a series of groundbreaking discoveries…

Scientists from the prestigious Ivy League Columbia University and other renowned universities…[3], [4], [5]

Have proven that achieving deep and restful sleep isn’t just about eliminating caffeine and alcohol, or exercising more.

Instead, researchers have discovered an obscure mineral beneath the Earth’s surface…

That your body absolutely NEEDS in order to sleep.

And it’s so powerful that some people are calling it:

A "natural sleep tranquilizer!"

“These effects on sleep were demonstrated in a study from Ivy League Columbia University where they analyzed 3,964 people and their sleep patterns.[6]

The results showed that those with higher levels of this ‘natural sleep tranquilizer’ slept better in almost every aspect.

This includes people who smoke, drink alcohol, and get little physical exercise.

So, even if these people ‘ignored’ traditional sleep hygiene advice, having more of this ‘natural sleep tranquilizer’ was enough for them to sleep like babies!”

"Thanks to this 'natural sleep tranquilizer,' tribes in Tanzania, Namibia, and Bolivia don't even know what the word 'insomnia' means!" [8]

Careful research on these populations has identified ONE particular factor that impacts the exceptional quality of their sleep:


Magnesium is CRUCIAL…

Because it regulates neurotransmitters and hormones necessary for signaling our brain that it’s time to sleep.

Among these are GABA, melatonin, and others.

Furthermore, magnesium even helps to keep track of time within our cells…

Making sure they are synchronized with day and night.[9];

This allows your body to recognize when it’s time to be awake and energetic and when it’s time to rest and sleep.

So, magnesium plays a FUNDAMENTAL role in sleep.

Take, for example, the Hadza and Tsimane tribes.

Researchers were shocked when they found that NONE of the inhabitants have sleep problems…

…despite living amidst the wild nature, with beasts howling at night, mosquitoes and insects, extreme temperatures, and beds made of rock or straw.

Yet, they have an advantage that allows them to sleep like babies, regardless of all this:

The water they drink is rich in magnesium, which acts as a “Natural Sleep Tranquilizer.”

But here's the MOST important thing you need to know...

Magnesium comes in many forms…

And each of these forms has a unique molecular structure.

So, just like different keys open different doors…

Different “forms” of magnesium unlock different health benefits for your body…

Affecting different parts of the brain.

In fact, there are over 11 forms of magnesium…

Ranging from magnesium aspartate, citrate, chloride, and more![12]

So, to enjoy ALL the benefits of magnesium…

You need to take different forms.

And most importantly: ones that are bioavailable.

And 99% of the supplements you find in supermarkets or pharmacies are not.

But what does it mean that they are not bioavailable?

It means that your body can’t absorb it and can’t transport sufficient amounts to the brain.

It simply gets eliminated through urine.[13]

In short, you’re just wasting it…

You see, the difference between high bioavailability magnesium and low bioavailability magnesium…

Is practically the same as the difference between mixing water and sand…

And mixing water and sugar.

Just as sand does not dissolve AT ALL…

So your body hardly absorbs magnesium.

That’s why you can’t just pick up a random magnesium supplement at the supermarket…

Because most of them, especially the cheaper ones, are NOT bioavailable enough.

So, what are the most BIOAVAILABLE and EFFECTIVE forms of magnesium?

Here are the ones that scientists call the 6 most bioavailable forms of magnesium.

Magnesium Bisglycinate

Magnesium bisglycinate has undergone a process called “chelation.”

This means that two proteins, called glycine, bind to the magnesium.[14]

This has two effects.

One, researchers have found that glycine improves sleep quality. [15]

And with better sleep quality, even if you only sleep 6 or 7 hours…

You still wake up feeling rested.

Two, the chelation of magnesium with glycine makes it more bioavailable.

And this allows it to be absorbed better…

Magnesium Taurate

This form of magnesium is combined with taurine, another amino acid.

Taurine helps magnesium to enter and exit cells…

And also increases the ability of magnesium to be absorbed by your body.

Moreover, Magnesium Taurate reduces the hyperactivity of brain cells…[16]

So, if you’ve ever been in bed feeling super tired…

But your brain is hyperactive…

Magnesium Taurate will help you reduce that “noise” in your head…

Allowing you to relax and fall asleep!

Now, other extremely effective forms of magnesium for sleep are:

Magnesium Citrate

It’s often considered the “gentler” form of magnesium, as it can help with bloating and even “arterial stiffness” in some people. [18][19]

Magnesium Gluconate

It has been shown to be highly bioavailable and helps to increase natural energy and overall performance. [21] [22]

Magnesium Succinate

This form provides one of the highest amounts of elemental magnesium, making it perfect for people who struggle to sleep. [20]

Magnesium Malate

Among its numerous benefits are: anti-inflammatory action, mood improvement, headache relief, and enhanced ability to tolerate physical exercise. [23]

Although these 6 forms are powerful on their own, there is a way to get them to our brain more quickly – thanks to a very fast and punctual conductor.

I am talking about the:

Vitamin D

In fact, Vitamin D is essential for transporting magnesium into the bloodstream. [24]

It acts as a “driver” for magnesium:

It allows it to reach the most distant regions of the brain quickly and effectively. [25]

The tribes of Tanzania and Bolivia that are not familiar with the word “insomnia,” also get plenty of Vitamin D from the sun…

Which allows them to supercharge the magnesium they consume from the water in their streams.

Unfortunately, we can’t say the same for modern people: we spend our lives between home, car, and office.

That’s why almost all of us are deficient in Vitamin D.

But to counteract this problem…

Today we have selected the purest forms of Magnesium and combined them into a unique product along with Vitamin D.

Thanks to a certified European laboratory that guarantees us the best possible quality…

Thus was born:


The ancestral formula to relax your brain cells, enjoy a deep and restful sleep, and help you feel more energetic during the day while improving your cognitive functions.

MagMax is for you if:

You can even compare MagMax with other forms of magnesium:
Famous supplement 1
Famous supplement 2
Famous supplement 3

Click to read the label of SPARTAN MAG MAX

How is it taken?

The recommended dose for maximum benefit is:

4 pills after dinner for at least 30 days (multiple consecutive months of use are suggested).

The ingredients are balanced to help maximize long-term results: the more you use it, the better the benefits.

MagMax contains a wide variety of ingredients to leverage multiple mechanisms and achieve maximum efficacy.

How will it make me feel?

Imagine waking up WITHOUT having to hit the snooze button multiple times because you’ve had 7-8 hours of deep, rejuvenating sleep.

And, instead of going to work feeling like a sleep-deprived zombie… You jump out of bed, charged and full of energy.

And even after work…

You still have plenty of energy to enjoy your hobbies…

Or to spend quality time with friends and family.

And you reach the end of the day still feeling as fresh as a rose.

You deserve to live like this.

We all do.

We developed Mag Max to offer you something that could help you experience these feelings.

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When you purchase Mag Max, you are protected by my 100% "satisfaction or your money back" guarantee for 180 days.

If you don't fall in love with the energy that Mag Max gives you... then send back your packs (even if they're empty!) and you will receive a full refund.

We are proud to have incredibly loyal customers who love our products. And we are sure that you will love Mag Max.

But, if for any reason you change your mind, you are covered by our 100% money-back guarantee.

So either you are completely thrilled with it, or it has cost you nothing!

questions before you buy?

The reason you’ve been struggling to sleep is simple:

You’re lacking magnesium!

Remember, the reason why tribes like the Hadza, the Tsimane, and the San never suffer from insomnia…

Is because they get plenty of natural magnesium from their diet and water sources.

Magnesium is a key mineral needed for our bodies to fall asleep.

This has been confirmed by one of the largest sleep studies ever conducted.

A recent 2022 study from Columbia University analyzed 3,964 people and their sleep patterns, along with their daily magnesium intake.

And they found that those who regularly consumed magnesium…


In contrast, you’re not getting enough of it.

Because modern water filtering and agricultural practices have stripped natural sources of magnesium from our food and water.

This magnesium deficiency means that many of the biological processes related to sleep are not able to function properly.

In other words, it prevents you from falling asleep, even when you’re tired.

However, you can’t just take any magnesium supplement.

Because I guarantee you, the magnesium from your local store will NOT contain the bioavailable forms.

After all, less bioavailable forms are cheaper!

That’s why MagMax contains 6 forms of highly bioavailable magnesium…

That can be absorbed by your body, where they can work their magic.

We spared no expense in providing you with the most potent forms of magnesium with MagMax.

As a result, you get deeper, more restful sleep!


Daily magnesium keeps insomnia at bay!

Mag Max contains the 6 most bioavailable forms of Magnesium you can find. In addition, it also contains Vitamin D which helps to transport these forms quickly into your brain.

Mag Max should be taken as 4 capsules a day, which in total contain 300 mg of Magnesium, broken down as follows:

– Magnesium Citrate, 60 mg;
– Magnesium Bisglycinate, 60 mg;
– Magnesium Malate, 60 mg;
– Magnesium Gluconate, 40 mg;
– Magnesium Taurate, 40 mg;
– Magnesium Succinate, 40 mg;

And 5 mcg of Vitamin D (200 IU).

Results vary from person to person.

We have had customers who have experienced benefits from the very first use.

Which is possible since many of its ingredients are directly linked to improved libido, energy, and virility.

Others have waited a bit longer to experience noticeable results.

Studies show that the forms of magnesium present in MagMax are natural and safe to take, for almost anyone.

This magnesium is produced and manufactured in our certified, uncontaminated facility.

Which means it follows EU-approved guidelines for good manufacturing practices.

The only things I would caution are:

Do not exceed the recommended dose, which is 4 capsules per day.

And for pregnant or nursing women, children under 18, and people with medical conditions – they should always consult their doctors before taking MagMax.

Easy, just take 4 capsules a day with water.

Taking it after dinner is a good way to incorporate MagMax into your daily routine.

Last but not least, I highly recommend taking it for at least 90 days to get the best results.

Remember, consistency is key!

No problem! You’re always covered by our 180-day money-back guarantee.

So unless you’re thrilled with how much better you’re sleeping, just send an email or call our customer support team, send back the packs even if they’re empty, and you’ll get a full refund.

Great! You’re about to take the most important step towards getting the best sleep of your life!

Now, those are the most common questions I get about MagMax…

If you have any more questions, don’t hesitate to call us at the toll-free number you see on this page.

Our friendly customer support team is available every day, even on holidays.

So, when you’re ready, scroll down now.

Click on the package button that you desire. And enter your details on the following page.

This is important!

Until you enter your complete details on the order page, we cannot ship your supply of MagMax.

So act now and select the package that’s right for you!

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Se hai altre domande chiama il nostro numero verde gratuito dalle 9 alle 19, tutti i giorni:

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Results are not guaranteed and outcomes may vary. Supplements are not intended as a substitute for a varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the recommended doses for daily intake. Biohacking LTD does not guarantee or assume responsibility for the information in any form contained on the Site. The information contained in this website is of an informative and instructive nature and therefore must not be used for diagnosis on oneself or on third parties and for therapeutic purposes. In no case does the information on this site replace the opinion of a doctor. Therefore, users are encouraged to contact their doctor for professional opinions on their state of health and on any therapies to be adopted. Biohacking LTD therefore recommends that you always consult your doctor and / or specialist. Users are solely responsible for the use that may be made of the information shared in the group. All the contents of this website including text, graphics, images and information of various kinds, have a purely informative value. The information shared on this site has a purely informative purpose and is not intended to replace the opinion of your doctor or a healthcare professional, nor can it replace medical prescriptions. The information shared on our portal is aimed at healthy people, any diet or physical exercise, before being carried out must be supervised by the competent figure under the terms of British law. The authors, the owners and moderators of the website are not responsible for the information contained therein as they have a disclosure purpose and the user, before embarking on any diet or physical activity, must consult with their doctor. We remind you that food supplements are useful as a support to training or diet, but they are not essential or substitutes for a correct diet and we advise you not to abuse them and never exceed the recommended qualities. Under no circumstances will Biohacking LTD or other persons connected to the Site be liable for any damage connected with the use by Users of the Products sold through the Site. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding or taking drugs, The events told on this page have been described for promotional and explanatory purposes of the MagMax product. Any reference to people, facts and places is purely coincidental and due to ingenuity. This is done to protect the confidentiality and privacy of customers, the facts reported in the presentation of the product are realistic but not related to a recognized or recognizable person.


This website does not provide medical advice, but is for educational and informational purposes only. We are not responsible for the use that may be made of the information shared in the group. All the contents of this website including text, graphics, images and information of various kinds, are purely informative. The information shared on this site has a purely informative purpose and is not intended to replace the opinion of your doctor or a healthcare professional.The information shared on our portal is aimed at healthy people, any diet or exercise, before being carried out must be supervised by the competent figure in accordance with UK law. The authors, owners and moderators of the website do not hold any responsibility, as the information is for informational purposes and the person must consult with their doctor before undertaking any diet or physical activity.